
Money vs Justice

The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws

In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson said the purpose of government is to “restrain men from injuring one another” and “shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.” Americans were to live under a presumption of freedom. A recent WSJ article said, “It was our boast that in America, unlike in any other country, you could live your life as you saw fit as long as you accorded the same liberty to everyone else.” But all that has changed now.

The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws Read More »

Porche Sales

The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History

All governments engage in larceny and fraud, using their authority to transfer wealth and power from the outsiders to the insiders. But the clever government does so by deception… while the clumsy one does so with no pretense or excuses. In the US, for example, the feds deny savers any financial return from their economies under the pretense of “economic stimulus.” Wage-earners get nothing, while bankers, speculators and zombie grifters are rewarded with ultra-low-cost financing, capital gains, bailouts, and giveaways.

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