
Basel III- Bank for International Settlements

What is Basel III and Will it Help Avert Another Banking Crisis?

The Third Basel Accord (i.e. Basel III) is a voluntary global regulatory standard on banks requiring adequate capital and providing stress testing and market liquidity guidelines. Members of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision agreed on the accord in 2010–11 and scheduled it to be phased in from 2013 through 2019.  Basel III was developed in response to the deficiencies in financial regulation revealed by the late-2000s financial crisis. Basel III was supposed to strengthen bank capital requirements by increasing bank liquidity and bank leverage based on the specific types of assets and liabilities held by the bank rather than being based on general assumptions that all banks are the same.

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Protect Yourself from the Effects of FATCA

How will the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) impact you? In an attempt to wring every last tax dollar out of Americans the Obama administration enacted FATCA into law on March 18th, 2010. With its 30% withholding Tax, it sent shock waves throughout the world. It is estimated that this law would cost global banking institutions between

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Government Roadblocks to Prosperity

Editor’s Note: Anyone who has ever taken Economics 101 knows that the free market is more efficient than top down governmental planning at efficiently distributing goods and services at the lowest possible price. But often governmental bureaucrats have their own agenda that doesn’t include efficiency (or low price) as a priority. How would you feel if some government

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