Lipton Matthews

Lipton Matthews is a researcher, business analyst, and contributor to Merion West, The Federalist, American Thinker, Intellectual Takeout,, and Imaginative Conservative. His YouTube channel, contains numerous interviews with a variety of scholars. He may be contacted at or on Twitter (@matthewslipton),

Income Inequality

Income Inequality Misconceptions in the U.S.

Income inequality is frequently portrayed as a fundamental problem in the United States that erodes social cohesion and economic mobility. Media outlets and advocacy groups regularly highlight narratives of stagnant incomes and an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. However, closer examination of income data reveals that these depictions are hyperbolic, if not outright misleading. When we delve into the research, a more nuanced picture emerges—one that refutes many of the popular misconceptions about inequality and its implications for American society.

Income Inequality Misconceptions in the U.S. Read More »

Free Market Capitalism improves Lives

The Results Are In: Free Market Capitalism Improves Lives

The credibility of free market capitalism is constantly threatened by critics who doubt its propensity for engendering prosperity. Its reputation is battered daily by the venomous pens of left-leaning writers advocating statist alternatives and their conservative allies touting economic nationalism. However, such narratives are frequently punctured by the piercing evidence of empirical data. Anticapitalism offers nothing beyond the appeal of emotional rhetoric.

The Results Are In: Free Market Capitalism Improves Lives Read More »

Science vs Technology

Does Science Shape Economic Progress?

We might think that scientific breakthroughs are necessary in order for us to have technological advancement. But as Lipton Matthews shows in this article, that isn’t necessarily the case. He says, “history has shown that science often lags technology” but “advancements in science propel technological growth.” One key concept to understanding this article is the difference between Science and Technology. The goal of Science is knowledge and understanding. But the goal of Technology is to mold the environment. Technology is the practical application of science.

Does Science Shape Economic Progress? Read More »

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