Tim McMahon

Work by editor and author, Tim McMahon, has been featured in Bloomberg, CBS News, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Forbes, Washington Post, Drudge Report, The Atlantic, Business Insider, American Thinker, Lew Rockwell, Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, Oakland Press, Free Republic, Education World, Realty Trac, Reason, Coin News, and Council for Economic Education.

UK Inflation 2017

Brexit and House Prices – What’s going on?

The impact of the Brexit decision has been much debated, with many economists stating that the UK economy would be harmed by a decision to leave, whether that’s through a loss of cheap labour that powers the fruit picking industry or the restriction of movement for those in the Square Mile. Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges with determining how the economy is performing is the ‘lag’ between the economic data being collected and the data being analysed and reported on. Take GDP growth for instance, which usually reports on the performance of the past three months. The financial markets on the other hand, often have an almost immediate reaction to political crisis’, and indeed fluctuations in Sterling have certainly occurred since the Brexit vote. But the financial markets don’t always accurately reflect the state of a national economy.

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Europe by Heritage-Language

Catalan: Independence or Revolution?

On October 1st, the Catalonian region of Spain held a referendum similar to “Brexit” on whether they should leave Spain or not. But unlike Brexit and the vote in Scotland the results weren’t even close. In the vote in Scotland to split from England, the vote was close but narrowly voted to stay. In addition, prior to the Scottish vote Britain had given permission for the vote to occur in effect opening the door to the possibility. This was not the case in Catalonia where the Spanish Parliament is rabidly opposed to secession.

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Solar Hot Water

Will Solar Energy Finally Catch On?

The idea of using solar power is a popular one. Not only is it eco-friendly, but the hope is that it can also save your household a significant amount of money. But the idea of using solar power is not new. The first solar hot water heater was created by Clarence Kemp of Baltimore who painted a tank black and enclosed it in a wooden box thus creating the first known “batch water heater”.

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eCommerce Trends: What’s in Your eWallet?

All of these systems paved the way for the advent of eCommerce. Imagine trying to buy something online if all we had was physical currency. It would effectively be impossible to process electronic transactions without these modern digital currency alternatives. This area is bound to explode in coming years as the desire for more electronic transactions collides with a desire for more electronic privacy.

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Real Estate Trends: House Flipping

It is difficult to flip through the channels on your TV and not see at least a couple of shows about flipping houses and making a fortune in the process. There are even online courses that teach you all about how flipping is done. This is an incredible phenomenon that is sweeping across the country, and many people have attempted to flip a home or have been thinking about doing it in the future. This trend will likely continue to impact the housing market in the years to come.

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Pouring Concrete

Futuristic Advances to Ancient Materials

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” This quote has been mistakenly attributed to Charles Holland Duell commissioner of the United States Patent and Trademark Office from 1898 to 1901. The advance of technology has grown exponentially since then and some major inventions like the personal computer have transformed our lives to such an extent that

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