Candlestick Patterns

If you are a trader and if you don’t know how to read candlestick charts, you are missing a lot of profitable trades. Candlestick charting is a must tool in the arsenal of any trader. No matter what you trade whether it is stocks, forex, futures, options or whatever, you need to master candlestick charts and candlestick patterns.

Candlestick charts give you the market sentiment with just one glance on the chart. By simply taking a look at the candles in the charts, you can infer whether the bulls are in control or the bears. Each candle gives you the high, low, the open and close for each time period. Candlestick charts were developed by the Japanese rice traders in the 16th century into a highly profitable chart form. Over the centuries, these charts were used by many rice traders in Japan to make a fortune. In the last two decades, candlestick charting has become highly popular in the western trading world. Steve Nison is one person who contributed a lot in popularizing these charts in the western trading circles. He is considered to be an authority on candlestick charting .  By googling his name, you can find his website and visit it!

Many new traders want to learn candlestick charting. They search the internet online and look for a candlestick guide. Most of these guides are being sold for $40-50. Instead of paying for a candlestick guide, you should download your free candlestick guide after reading this article .  But this 82 page PDF candlestick guide is a FREE gift for you from the Options University, one of the world’s leading online options education service for better and safer profits .

Options University over the years have imparted top class education to traders around the world on safe options investing and trading. Recently, it has also started imparting top class education on Forex trading through it’s subsidiary OU Forex Trader. If you are interested in trading options or Forex than Options University can show you how to do it the right way and in a safe manner !

When you combine these candlestick patterns with technical indicators, you have a highly powerful combination . Master these Candlestick Patterns with this 82 page FREE Candlestick Guide . Get these 3 great End of Day Swing Trading Systems FREE . Download the 1 Minute Forex Trading System FREE that makes money anytime instantly.

Also get Your Free Candlestick Reversal Pattern Guide Here

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