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Financial Real Estate Trends Investors Should Understand for 2020

As we enter into the New Year, it’s important for successful home investors to understand your investment properties outlook for 2020 and beyond. Currently, the prices of single-family homes in high-population areas like San Fransisco and Seattle have almost doubled since the bottom of the cycle in 2011. According to Zillow the median home in San Francisco is almost $1.4 million. But the median household income is only $96,265. Can this be sustainable?

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Dow Last 10 Years

The Markets in Perspective: What Goes up Must Come down?

Traders routinely fixate on short-term price movements in their chosen financial instruments. Longer-term investors need a wider focus on stocks, forex, indices, FED actions and commodities to gain a better market perspective. The performance of US markets is worthy of mention, particularly since the epic global meltdown following the financial crisis of 2009/10.

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Bitcoin Outlawed

Bitcoin Trends

Although Bitcoin has been around for about a decade now it wasn’t until recently, that it has become fashionable and common knowledge. This year we’ve published several articles about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Including Bitcoin: The New Safe Haven?, Cryptocurrency: Is Bitcoin the Future of Money?, and  eCommerce Trends: What’s in Your eWallet? It seems like every time you turn around there is a new CryptoCurrency being created some of which have advantages over the original Bitcoin, some of which are just “Me Too” people trying to jump on the Bandwagon and others that are just outright scams. Today we will take another look at the Digital Currency Trend.

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Are Regulations Strangling Free Enterprise?

To believe that regulation is unnecessary and harmful is not an idealistic and detached view. It flows necessarily from a belief in human equality. If you firmly believe all humans are equal, what is it that allows a third person to infringe with the threat of violence on the right of two people to transact freely with one another? Bouazizi and his customers were both made worse-off by both being denied the right to transact freely by government.

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Is Fast Food Slowing Down? Five Growing Trends in Restaurants Today

Americans’ taste preferences over the past few years have shifted away from fast food and towards healthier, but still casual, alternatives. Although McDonald’s, Burger King, and their ilk have seen a dramatic slowing in their sales, competitors like Panera Bread, Chipotle and in the west, Cafe Zupas have stolen market share by offering options with more natural ingredients and more vegetables.

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Why America is no Longer a Free Capitalist Country

Unfortunately, as soon as you put someone in control of the distribution of wealth… greedy, power-hungry individuals will gain control of it and take the majority share for themselves and their friends. Also as soon as you centralize the means of production it becomes inefficient and produces less… making everyone poorer.  A lesson learned from the former Soviet Union (i.e. Soviet Socialist Republic): When the government mandated that a factory produce 1 million nails a month they produced a million tiny worthless nails. So the government mandated that they produce 100,000 pounds of nails so they produced 100,000 (equally worthless) 1 pound nails. On the other hand, a truly capitalist factory must produce what the consumer wants or it will go out of business.

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The Socialist Time Capsule

“What I have seen in the socialist country of Caracas, Venezuela,” Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange wrote following his recent trip to the country, “has really rocked me to my core. “The government spends their resources on gun-free zones, no smoking areas, permits for everything, making sure people can’t protect and arm themselves, social planning, price controls on basic necessities that makes them nonexistent, bank controls so you can only take out $1 from an ATM, and you virtually have to wait in line for everything.

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