
We’ve Got a New Look

Financial Trend Forecaster has undergone a facelift. Yes, we’ve updated the the site to make it more user friendly. It is now easier to navigate on that new tablet or iPhone you got for Christmas. The pages scale and adjust themselves to narrower screens and we’ve added a  few touches just to make it more […]

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How Teachers Adapt to Different Learning Styles

Different Learning Styles You’ve probably heard that  everybody learns differently. These different learning styles might be broken down to  visual, auditory and kinesthetic, or seeing, hearing and touching. Either way, educational experts will tell you that learning styles are a reality, and that the best kind of teacher will know how to adjust their methods

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Capital Gains Potential in Future-Minded Real Estate Investments

Have you ever walked down the street and noticed the one as-of-yet undeveloped property on an otherwise immaculate street and thought “someone is sitting on a goldmine?”  Have you ever heard of someone who sold a house for a fortune that was purchased years ago for peanuts?  Most people hear of such ‘urban real estate

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