
Ukraine’s Two New Energy Deals

If one was to believe the picture that most Western media outlets are painting, Ukraine has been lost to Russia. Though the country fought valiantly to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union in Vilnius, Lithuania last month, President Viktor Yanukovych suspended negotiations with the EU at the last possible moment, betraying Ukrainians everywhere. Two recent energy deals that Ukraine has reportedly made, one with Russia and the other with Slovakia, however, show that the reality of the situation is slightly more complex.

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Trends: Kenya Oil

Ever since it was alleged that Obama was born in Kenya, the African country appears to be in the news more and more. Recently, there was a terrorist attack at a shopping mall and even more recently allegations that the Kenya Defense Force (KDF) that was fighting the terrorists took the opportunity to loot the Mall while

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Oil drilling platform

Mideast Oil Loses Some of its Power

On his way back from the Yalta conference in February 1945 where US President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Great Britain’s Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union’s Stalin, the American president made an unscheduled stop in Egypt where he met with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdel Aziz ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy, in the Suez Canal’s Great Bitter Lake. The basis of the meeting was to ensure that Americans would have an uninterrupted supply of oil.

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Extreme Energy, Extreme Implications

James Stafford of Oilprice.com discusses the following topics with Michael Klare: Why we are talking about a resurgence” of American power Why the issue of US natural gas exports is a geopolitical dilemma Why Myanmar is important but not critical to the US Asia-Pacific “pivot” Why Myanmar IS critical to China Why India and Japan are key to the US’ evolving

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"Offshore Oil Rig" by num_skyman

India’s Energy Ties with Iran Unsettle Washington

India’s relentless search for hydrocarbons to fuel its booming economy has managed the rather neat diplomatic trick of annoying Washington, delighting Tehran and intriguing Baghdad, all the while leaving the Indian Treasury fretting about how to pay for its oil imports, given tightening sanctions on fiscal dealings with Iran.

On 7 June the US State Department reluctantly announced that it was renewing India’s six-month waivers for implementing sanctions against Iran, along with seven other countries eligible for waivers from the sanctions owing to good faith efforts to substantially reduce their Iranian oil imports. In New Delhi’s case, it is the U.S. and EU-led sanctions rather than any willingness on India’s part that has seen a fall in its Iranian oil imports. India is the second-largest buyer of Iranian oil, a nation with whom it has traditionally had close ties. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that India, China, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Taiwan had all qualified for an exception to sanctions under America’s Iran Sanctions Act, based on additional significant reductions in the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran.

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Oil Prices

Bits and Pieces from Casey Research

For a new shale discovery – however large it maybe – it would take years just to prove up its commercial viability, another few years to get the infrastructure running, and even more years before it produces enough to matter. This means there are tremendous opportunities to profit – for those who are in the know – while we wait for the rest of the world to catch up.

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Tunisia Oil

Oil in Tunisia?- Should Tunisia be on Energy Investors Watch List?

Major oil companies like Shell have have been jumping at the chance to acquire ground in this former French protectorate that had been neglected for decades. For the first time, major spending has been committed to test Tunisian basins which could be just as prolific as those in neighboring oil rich environments such as Libya. Tunisia is

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Afghanistan contains many natural resources that could be worth trillions of dollars

Afghanistan’s Natural Resources Could Spark Civil War

It is estimated that Afghanistan contains reserves of natural resources, such as oil, gold, iron ore, copper, lithium, etc., which could be worth trillions of dollars, and offers hope for the future to many of the country’s poor villages which are situated near the resource deposits. The problem is that officials and industry experts are

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