Brexit: Britain Defies the Odds and Chooses Independence

Britain’s vote to exit the European Union (Brexit) on Thursday shocked not only the financial markets but especially rankled the establishment elite including the banksters, politicos and media. The rhetoric sounded like a repeat of the 2014 Scottish Referendum (See: Separatist Forces Growing in Europe) where they spent the weeks leading up to the vote sounding a bit like “Chicken Little” with their predictions that the sky would fall if Britain chose to leave the E.U. (or Scotland left the U.K.) It is interesting to note that the bank stocks were among the hardest hit in the post vote mayhem.

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Trump Reaches Magic Number of Delegates

In June 2015, when real estate billionaire Donald Trump announced that he was joining the host of candidates for the Republican Nomination for President he was considered to be either a “long shot” to gain the nomination or a joke. But on Thursday May 26th, the Associated Press announced that Billionaire and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has reached the magic number of delegates necessary to clinch his party’s nomination. The development comes after a small number of unbound Republican delegates told the AP that they would support Trump at the Republican National Convention this summer.

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