Economic Trends

Long-term trends grow from short term trends. We attampt to determine the short term trends and where they are pointing.

Infastructure construction could help the economy

How Infrastructure Investment Boosts Job Growth

Ever since the onset of what is now being called “The Great Recession”, people have been discussing ways to help prop up the economy and reduce unemployment. One of the most prominent suggestions is to increase the government’s infrastructure investment. This strategy is favored by Keynesian economists as a way to stimulate the economy. In fact, it has

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Investing when you think we're in a bubble

Retirement Investing

Older investors are starved for income investments that don’t require them to take on undue risk. The days of 7% CDs are gone and not coming back any time soon. There are however, investments were we can still get decent yield if we’re willing to take on a little more risk and to more actively monitor our portfolio. In this article we’ll cover some of those.

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Computer system designers have good job prospects.

Employment Trends in the US

The employment outlook in the U.S. is slowly improving and some areas are expected to see major gains in the coming months and years. Although there has been growth in the areas of employment and it is expected to continue, there is still a great deal of fear associated with the economy, and many businesses are reluctant to hire. The country’s aging population of baby boomers, however, will force some sectors into hiring as the need for their services increases.

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