
Income Inequality

Income Inequality Misconceptions in the U.S.

Income inequality is frequently portrayed as a fundamental problem in the United States that erodes social cohesion and economic mobility. Media outlets and advocacy groups regularly highlight narratives of stagnant incomes and an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. However, closer examination of income data reveals that these depictions are hyperbolic, if not outright misleading. When we delve into the research, a more nuanced picture emerges—one that refutes many of the popular misconceptions about inequality and its implications for American society.

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Crypto Politics

The Tectonic Shift in Crypto

This past week a few slightly “under-the-radar” events caused a major shift in the crypto arena that most people are totally unaware of. Just a couple of weeks ago, Joe Biden was threatening to Veto pro-Crypto legislation, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was railing about the evils of crypto and how it is only good for hiding assets and mafia transactions. And the Democrat-controlled Security Exchange Commission (SEC) is actively targeting several major crypto sponsors despite having approved Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in January.

Then along comes Trump, who holds a Crypto “Love Fest” at Mar-a-Lago, which catapults crypto into the political spectrum… Ethereum ETFs are approved… the House approves the FIT21 Act, and the tide against Crypto has turned.

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Money Supply Growth Aug 2023

Bidenomics: Boom or Bust?

Joe Biden recently claimed on Twitter that “Bidenomics” has increased the real wages of low-income workers. A counterclaim was made through Twitter’s Community Notes that wages adjusted for inflation were actually lower at the time of Biden’s claim. But data without theory is unsatisfying, so it is worth asking if conditions of the last few years have been conducive to higher real wages, especially for lower earners.

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Easy Money Printing Press

Which is Worse- Easy Money or Public Debt?

Contrary to the popular way of thinking, the threat to the US economy is not the high level of debt but loose monetary policies that undermine the pool of savings and the wealth-generation process. Hence, the fall in the money stock that precedes price deflation and an economic slump is actually triggered by the previous loose monetary policies and not by the liquidation of debt.

Which is Worse- Easy Money or Public Debt? Read More »

Is Saudi Arabia Still an 800 Pound Gorilla

Almost everyone has heard the old joke, “Where does an 800 pound Gorilla sleep?” The answer of course is, “Anywhere he wants to”.  For most of the last century Saudi Arabia has been the 800 pound gorilla of the oil industry. But recently people have begun wondering whether Saudi Arabia is losing some clout. In today’s article Tsvetana Paraskova of will look at just where Saudi Arabia stands.

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When Will Electric Cars Take Over The Roads?

The age of the electric vehicle (EV) will be here sooner than you think. Out of 1 billion cars in the world, only 2 million are electric. But that will soon change, as costs diminish, and more governments encourage the adoption of EVs to cut carbon emissions and fight urban pollution. According to Bloomberg, by 2040, 54 percent of all new car sales will be for EVs. Millions of new EVs will take a big bite out of oil demand and displace 8 million barrels of transport fuel (gasoline and diesel) every day.

When Will Electric Cars Take Over The Roads? Read More »

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