
What Happened with the U.S. Ratings Downgrade Problem?

Was the U.S. Ratings Downgrade from AAA to AA in 2011 a Problem? Before Standard & Poor’s cut the United States’ credit rating last summer, few economists or politicians believed that the United States could ever lose its gold-standard AAA rating. As a stable, vibrant democracy backed by a strong military, it was inconceivable that

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Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State?

In the following article Doug Casey addresses the issue of  the trend toward less and less freedom in America as the TSA and the Federal Government usurps power reserved for the individual states. He also address “thought crimes,”  the Civil War, the Constitution, social and economic freedom, secession, the Bill of Rights, the assassination of US citizens, arbitrary justice, indefinite detention, warrant-less searches,

Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State? Read More »

Equality – The Unattainable Socialist Ideal

We all dream of “Equality”…  it is the American ideal, after all “All men are created Equal” but the constitution doesn’t guarantee prosperity and/or happiness only “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” note that it says the PURSUIT of happiness i.e. we are allowed to chase it, but the government is not obligated to provide it for

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Protect Yourself from the Effects of FATCA

How will the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) impact you? In an attempt to wring every last tax dollar out of Americans the Obama administration enacted FATCA into law on March 18th, 2010. With its 30% withholding Tax, it sent shock waves throughout the world. It is estimated that this law would cost global banking institutions between

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