
How “Paper Gold” Affects the Price of the Metal

Oddities in the gold market have been alleged for quite some time, but few know where to start looking, and even fewer have the patience to dig out the meaningful bits from the mountain of market data available. In today’s article Casey Research Chief Economist Bud Conrad turns his keen eye to the Gold sector in order to discover how the big banks are using the futures market to manipulate the price of gold.

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A GREAT Model to Understand Gold’s Price Swings

Are Gold’s price swings as truly unpredictable as Bernanke, Yellen and Greenspan would have you believe? Is gold really a Barbarous relic with no place in a modern portfolio? Or is gold a valid insurance policy against the Fed’s $4 trillion balance sheet which is just a “pile of tinder, but hasn’t been lit”? In today’s article we are going to look at a model that predicted the recent peak in gold and current drop.

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Doug Casey: “Gold Stocks Are About to Create a Whole New Class of Millionaires”

By Jeff Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst Bear markets always end. Has this one? Evidence is mounting that the bottom for gold may be in. While there’s still risk, there’s a new air of bullishness in the industry, something we haven’t seen in over two years. An ever-growing number of industry insiders and investment analysts

Doug Casey: “Gold Stocks Are About to Create a Whole New Class of Millionaires” Read More »


Buy Gold and Silver NOW

You’ve undoubtedly read about the dramatic increase in demand for gold and silver bullion products since the big correction. Supply has gotten tight, premiums are rising, and inventory is hard to come by, especially for certain silver products. But it’s worse than you may know. Many of these reports come from the retail side of the business, including those from sovereign mints. This information is indicative but more important is the activity among the wholesalers. It’s possible the retail trade is just experiencing a giant bottleneck, which would come with a different set of conclusions than if behind the scenes the wholesale industry is seeing net sales.

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