Tim McMahon

Work by editor and author, Tim McMahon, has been featured in Bloomberg, CBS News, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Forbes, Washington Post, Drudge Report, The Atlantic, Business Insider, American Thinker, Lew Rockwell, Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, Oakland Press, Free Republic, Education World, Realty Trac, Reason, Coin News, and Council for Economic Education.

Delaware Currency

America & Money: Cool Facts About the History of Our Monetary System

Since 1776, many things have changed dramatically in America. One of the most drastic series of changes has been in the way we conduct transactions using money. Believe it or not, the monetary system that is in place today would be almost completely unrecognizable to the founding fathers. Here are some cool facts about the history of our monetary system.

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Cryptocurrency: Is Bitcoin the Future of Money?

Just a few short years ago no one had heard of them and now it seems like everybody on the Earth knows about Bitcoin. Bitcoin (a peer-to-peer electronic cash system) was first introduced in October 2008… In 2012, at InflationData, we published an article entitled “Civil Liberties Rest Upon Sound Money” about the new currency. Since then the use of bitcoins has grown astonishingly quickly. Being the prescient financial wizards that they are, in 2014 Robert Prechter and our friends at Elliott Wave International began offering their expert financial advisory and educational materials for sale via Bitcoins… Today there are some 14.6 million bitcoin units in circulation… One major problem with most currencies is that there is nothing to stop governments from printing an infinite amount of them. This erodes the value of the existing currency and can cause them to become worthless through hyperinflation like the currencies of the German Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe… Bitcoin is unique in that only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created.

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Gold Prices Inching Higher

Several factors determine the U.S. price of gold. Inflation, market uncertainty (i.e. worry), the value of the Dollar compared to other currencies (a falling dollar increases the gold price), supply and demand. Market supply can come from three sources: mining, scrap (people selling jewelry to raise cash), and Central banks selling reserves. Demand can come from industrial and commercial sources and investment demand (i.e. people hedging against uncertainty or expecting a rise in gold prices). Recently, overall market and political uncertainty in the world is rising while the Dollar is falling.

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FED Raises Interest Rates- ROC’s Retain Buy Signal

At the Federal Reserve’s recent policy meeting on Wednesday, December 14th the FED raised their federal-funds target interest rate by a quarter percentage point, to range between 0.50% and 0.75%. Fed officials pointed to a strengthening economy and inflation nearing their targeted level of 2%. According to the The Wall Stree Journal “The Fed’s more

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Auto Safety Trends

There’s no doubt that cars are safer today than they used to be. In 1970 there were 25 automobile fatalities per 100,000 people in the United States according to Wikipedia. In 2014 that number had shrunk to 10 per 100,000 even though the number of miles driven increased by almost 300%. Technological advances along with stricter government regulations have combined to contribute to the increase in car safety. Here are some of the recent innovations that have helped.

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Mission Next Volunteer Match

Retirees Working for Good

Several months ago, I gave a TEDx talk in Greenville, SC on the public policy implications of retirement. In this talk, I focused on the desire of many retirees to retire to something about which they care deeply, not just retire from their former professional life. This perspective was expressed by many of the men and women we interviewed as the basis for our books on the personal dimensions of retirement (Shaping a Life of Significance for Retirement, 2010; Retirement as Spiritual Pilgrimage: Stories Scripture, and Practices for the Journey, 2016.) The implication is that many retirees are open to and interested in contributing their time, energies, and expertise to the community or faith-based organizations, to work for the good of others.

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Brexit: Britain Defies the Odds and Chooses Independence

Britain’s vote to exit the European Union (Brexit) on Thursday shocked not only the financial markets but especially rankled the establishment elite including the banksters, politicos and media. The rhetoric sounded like a repeat of the 2014 Scottish Referendum (See: Separatist Forces Growing in Europe) where they spent the weeks leading up to the vote sounding a bit like “Chicken Little” with their predictions that the sky would fall if Britain chose to leave the E.U. (or Scotland left the U.K.) It is interesting to note that the bank stocks were among the hardest hit in the post vote mayhem.

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Trump Reaches Magic Number of Delegates

In June 2015, when real estate billionaire Donald Trump announced that he was joining the host of candidates for the Republican Nomination for President he was considered to be either a “long shot” to gain the nomination or a joke. But on Thursday May 26th, the Associated Press announced that Billionaire and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has reached the magic number of delegates necessary to clinch his party’s nomination. The development comes after a small number of unbound Republican delegates told the AP that they would support Trump at the Republican National Convention this summer.

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