
Will the Labour Party Help or Hinder U.K. Business?

In the U.K. the opposition party appoints a person to “shadow” the person in office thus learning the job and able to speak intelligently about alternative policies. Following the speeches of Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls and Party Leader Ed Miliband, we now know more about how Labour plans to treat business.  So if  the Labour party wins the 2015 general election, would they help U.K. business or hinder it?

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Obama and Putin

Is Putin Right?

I never thought I’d agree with Putin. And of course, he has his own agenda. He is already supplying Syria with the bombs and nerve gas he has so “graciously” offered to monitor… kind of like the fox offering to guard the henhouse,  but be that as it may…  he has a point. According to the

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ERP and networking are management information system trends

Tracking Management Information Systems Trends

As the saying goes. “Hindsight is always 20/20”, but for those companies who are looking to make critical management decisions, there is no way to look into the future with a 20/20 gaze.  For many facets of business, however, management information systems have become a practical and fruitful means of developing better business operations and expanding a company’s market.  Previously it may have been necessary to use only human intuition, but today there are many ways to avoid the thorny biases and judgment errors that affect decision-making processes.

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Job Security

In a changing economy, it is important to be confident that your job is secure before you make long-term investments. The future is not certain and if you lose your job you will require liquidity or you could end up in financial ruin. The key is to have at least 6 months of living expenses socked away in liquid assets before you invest in less liquid things like real estate, timber or privately held businesses. Although stocks are more liquid in a sudden downturn like we experienced in 2008 liquidity can be severely impaired (if there are no buyers) or you may be forced to liquidate at a significant loss. Warren Buffet is famous for maintaining massive amounts of cash waiting for just such an opportunity when he can name his price and everyone else is so strapped for cash that they have to accept his offer.

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Business Franchise

Buy a Business Franchise or Start Your Own?

Many people dream of owning their own business, setting their own hours, and being “the boss”.  Some budding entrepreneurs find that it can be a smart move to invest in or buy an established business rather than starting their own. Depending on a number of factors, there can be considerably less risk in acquiring or investing in an existing business rather than starting one from scratch. Another way to limit your risk is to go with a successful business franchise.

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Business Insurance

Insurance Tips for Small Businesses

Boats carry life vests and life preservers and have lifeboats. Construction workers wear hard hats, skateboarders wear knee and elbow pads, professional football players and motocross racers wear helmets, and welders wear goggles. Why?  Because they understand the value of protection. In the same way, businesses need to understand the value of protection and that is why insurance is crucial, especially in business.

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