
Are Regulations Strangling Free Enterprise?

To believe that regulation is unnecessary and harmful is not an idealistic and detached view. It flows necessarily from a belief in human equality. If you firmly believe all humans are equal, what is it that allows a third person to infringe with the threat of violence on the right of two people to transact freely with one another? Bouazizi and his customers were both made worse-off by both being denied the right to transact freely by government.

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Solar Hot Water

Will Solar Energy Finally Catch On?

The idea of using solar power is a popular one. Not only is it eco-friendly, but the hope is that it can also save your household a significant amount of money. But the idea of using solar power is not new. The first solar hot water heater was created by Clarence Kemp of Baltimore who painted a tank black and enclosed it in a wooden box thus creating the first known “batch water heater”.

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eCommerce Trends: What’s in Your eWallet?

All of these systems paved the way for the advent of eCommerce. Imagine trying to buy something online if all we had was physical currency. It would effectively be impossible to process electronic transactions without these modern digital currency alternatives. This area is bound to explode in coming years as the desire for more electronic transactions collides with a desire for more electronic privacy.

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Real Estate Trends: House Flipping

It is difficult to flip through the channels on your TV and not see at least a couple of shows about flipping houses and making a fortune in the process. There are even online courses that teach you all about how flipping is done. This is an incredible phenomenon that is sweeping across the country, and many people have attempted to flip a home or have been thinking about doing it in the future. This trend will likely continue to impact the housing market in the years to come.

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Has Permian Shale Productivity Peaked Already?

The Permian Basin is the largest petroleum-producing basin in the United States and has produced a cumulative 28.9 billion barrels of oil and 75 trillion cu ft. of gas. Currently, nearly 2 million barrels of oil per day are being pumped from the basin advances in hydrocarbon recovery such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) have expanded production into unconventional, tight oil shales which up until fairly recently were unrecoverable. Prior to these advances, all the talk was about “Peak Oil” and that we would run out of recoverable oil. And then along came horizontal drilling and fracking and we are suddenly awash in oil and natural gas. But is it all about to come to a screeching halt as Permian oil production peaks? In the following article about Permian Basin Productivity Nick Cunningham of Oilprice.com looks at where Permian productivity is headed now.

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Where Will Oil Prices Be in 2020?

The oil industry is notoriously cyclical. Perhaps because it takes so long to bring new supply on-line. As prices rise and the industry blossoms the oil machinery kicks into gear. Independants locate the oil and the fields get bought up by majors who bring it into production, this boosts supply. And then when the supply hits the market, prices go down, small over-leveraged players get squeezed and then go bankrupt, and exploration dries up. Eventually, this causes supply to slacken and prices begin rising again. And the cycle continues. In today’s article we’ll look at where oil prices could be 3 years on as increased demand meets Saudi production cuts and shale-oil production increases.

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Big Oil Betting On Electric Vehicles?

I’ve been enamored with electric vehicles since long before they were commercially available. Way back in 1975, Mechanix Illustrated featured the “Urba Town car” and offered plans to build your own Electric Car. It required removing the body from a VW bug, and building a new cool looking body out of fiberglass. I spent a whopping $20, (which was much more valuable back then, not just because of inflation but because I was a poor college student without a job). It even had an option of adding a generator and making it a hybrid. Unfortunately, I never got around to using the plans but over the years I’ve enjoyed reading about quite a few successful conversions of various vehicles and I followed Tesla’s rise to fame in the electric vehicle market with marked enthusiasm hoping to one day, own one myself. Well, today Jon LeSage of Oilprice.com tells us that the electric vehicle may have finally reached the Tipping Point and other experts saying “By 2020 there will be over 120 different models of EV across the spectrum,” . ~Tim McMahon, editor.

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Pouring Concrete

Futuristic Advances to Ancient Materials

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” This quote has been mistakenly attributed to Charles Holland Duell commissioner of the United States Patent and Trademark Office from 1898 to 1901. The advance of technology has grown exponentially since then and some major inventions like the personal computer have transformed our lives to such an extent that

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