Is The U.S. A Powerful “Empire” In Decline?
Recently I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the idea of global “empires”. Back in the 1970s one of my teachers discussed the parallels between the U.S. and the Roman empire and those parallels are even more striking today. A simple search on the term, “Parallels Between the U.S. and the Roman Empire” will generate pages and pages of results on this topic from such esteemed writers as Doug Casey, Seeking Alpha and even Salon.
In the U.S. we tend to bristle at the idea that we are an “empire” but a recent YouTube Video by Ray Dalio got me thinking about this subject once again. The characteristics of an “Empire” are fairly consistent and specific. Truth in History lists 36 characteristics of an empire. These include:
Being the “World’s Policeman”.
Meddling in the political affairs of foreign nations.
Original citizenry becomes rich, lazy, fat and demands “bread and circuses”.
Has an expanded immigration policy.
Accepts foreigners into its realm as unskilled laborers.
Ray Dalio’s video explains how the ascendency to Empire status occurs and he focuses on three recent “empires” including the Dutch, British, and the U.S. He calls this “the Big Cycle” and focuses primarily on the financial aspects of Empire.
Is The U.S. A Powerful “Empire” In Decline? Read More »